J&J: Entrepreneur & Entrepreneurship by Jeorge Wieneke

J&J Article 012: Actions Speak Louder Than Words: The Power of Proving Your Worth as an Entrepreneur Words by Jorge Wieneke

As entrepreneurs, we are constantly surrounded by a myriad of experiences, opportunities, and challenges. At the end of each week, amidst the positive results, leads, and hopes, it is crucial to reflect on three fundamental principles that can elevate us to new heights: action, demonstration, and proof. In a world where words can be empty,…

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J&J: Entrepreneur & Entrepreneurship by Jeorge Wieneke

J&J Article 011: Preparing for a New Entrepreneurial Week: Prayer, Reflection, and Planning Words by Jorge Wieneke

Entrepreneurs have their own way of gearing up for the week ahead. It’s a time of preparation that involves simple yet powerful practices. Let’s explore how they embrace prayer, reflection, and purposeful planning to navigate their entrepreneurial journey. Starting with prayer, entrepreneurs seek guidance and protection. They humbly address their fears, uncertainties, and ego-driven tendencies,…

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