Sunday Reflections By Fr. Ricky Cañet Montañez

Sunday Reflections | 23 July 2023

Sunday Reflections | 23 July 2023

By: Fr. Ricky Cañet Montañez, AA

HOMILY: Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Matthew 13:24-43

Good Things Are Not Rushed

We have been immersed long enough in a global culture of instant gratification and fear that we won’t have enough time to succeed or to make it big, that we no longer have the ability to defer the satisfaction of our desires and endure suffering. It’s so easy to get discouraged these days. Just having a minor problem makes one really depressed. Let us be patient with ourselves!!! Nobody is perfect. Nobody is born immediately successful. We all must go through a process of growth and development. No matter how small the beginnings, if we are faithful to the spirit and values of the Kingdom, we will surely help build a world where the reign of God is experienced among us, not in some distant future, but in the here and now.

For those of us who are short-tempered and anxiety-ridden, Jesus reminds us to respect the process of growth as it entails time and grace. All good things in this life cannot be rushed. “Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.” (Galatians 6:9) Let us have faith in the power of God and His divine timing. Trust that God’s merciful love will transform us into the persons He has intended us to be.

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