Sunday Reflections By Fr. Ricky Cañet Montañez

Sunday Reflections | 16 July 2023

Sunday Reflections | 16 July 2023

By: Fr. Ricky Cañet Montañez, AA

HOMILY: Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Matthew 13:1-23

Receptivity to God’s Word

Why should we care to be receptive to God’s Word? Because God’s Word has power — the power to build us up and also tear us down, to save us and convict us — all in the spirit of establishing His Kingdom of Heaven on earth. In the short reading from the Prophet Isaiah, God declares: “My word shall not return to me void, but shall do my will, achieving the end for which I sent it.” (Isaiah 55:11) It is like the rain and snow that accomplishes their purpose. Listen to God’s Word deliberately and with the intention to live by it because it is a revelation of His love for us and His instructions on how we can be saved. May we become rich and fertile soil that welcomes, receives, retains and brings to fruition God’s Word in our community.

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