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WSS Spring Foundation Gala

#PressRelease #PressCon #WhatWeSeeOnTheInternet

On the day of the WSS Spring Fundraising Gala, we are announcing an unprecedented World Transformation Platform. Welcome to the first comprehensive global initiative to solve the climate crisis. Thank you for taking the first step on an empowering journey to a sustainable life for our planet. This is an opportunity for humanity to fully reimagine and reinvent itself.

We are offering a clear path forward and a substantial mechanism to personally make a large-scale impact on solving the climate crisis while simultaneously creating a sustainable future for the world’s children and our ecosystems. The climate crisis is now a climate emergency.

The latest IPCC report states we now have less than seven years to act collectively to prevent massive loss of life and biodiversity. This is a multidimensional and complex issue involving all layers of life process. We will present new and compelling solutions on the issue at hand and how it is now possible for individuals to make a global impact on the climate crisis. Current efforts are not fostering the scalable creative collaboration needed to completely transition from dependencies on harmful practices and non-renewable resources, like fossil fuels, globally, over the next seven years.

This is THE moment for humanity; we are at an inflection point in our evolution. Collectively we have designed the necessary tools that can be applied globally. Only now has it become possible for humanity to apply its collective co-creative capacity in an organized way to transform itself to reach its potential.

Join us virtually this 6 May 2023, 10PM PDT, for live presentations and music. Get your tickets and register here ⬇️

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