Me and my outstanding mother (MeMOM)

Thank you for watching Me and My Outstanding Mother 2023

We want to take a moment to express our heartfelt gratitude for watching Me and My Outstanding Mother 2023. Your support and presence throughout this journey have meant the world to us.

We hope that this Mother’s Day special touched your hearts, made you laugh, and perhaps even brought a tear to your eye. It was a story of 8 beautiful mother and daughter tandem that aimed to capture the beauty of the mother-child bond, the challenges we face, and the enduring strength of love.

Once again, thank you for watching #MeMOM2023. Your presence and support have made this journey an unforgettable one.

Watch the replay on any of these links:
📍 Facebook –
📍 GWWR Facebook group –
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📍 YouTube (best to watch via your smart TV) –

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