Sunday Reflections By Fr. Ricky Cañet Montañez

Sunday Reflections | 30 April 2023

HOMILY: Fourth Sunday of Easter / Good Shepherd Sunday
John 10:1-10

Recognising the Voice of the Divine Shepherd

To follow our Good Shepherd, we also need to be familiar with the voice of our Divine Shepherd. Learning by heart the voice of Jesus takes time and practice. That is learned through the discipline of praying — not just speaking and asking but listening to God’s will in our lives. We have to always listen attentively and consistently because there are many voices and noises out there that demand our attention. Someone once pointed out to me that if we look closely at the word “LISTEN”, when it is jumbled, it also spells “SILENT”. We need to be silent so we can listen to God’s voice through God’s Word in Scriptures.

Finally, brothers and sisters, let us then allow ourselves to be protected by the Good Shepherd by staying close to Him. Let us be obedient to Him. Let us be familiar with His voice. May we allow ourselves to be led by the Good Shepherd to verdant pastures, to a life that is abundant, to a life that is everlasting.

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