Sunday Reflections By Fr. Ricky Cañet Montañez

Sunday Reflections | 11 June 2023 By: Fr. Ricky Cañet Montañez, AA

HOMILY: Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ
John 6:51-58

Joyful Anticipation of the Eucharistic Gift

In the Last Supper, the very last time Jesus and his friends were gathered under happy circumstances, the disciples received a very special parting gift from Him. It was not just a store-bought gift but rather a very special one. Jesus prepared a way for His friends to always have Him with them; to always remember Him and what He had taught them and done for them. He left His closest friends with the gift of Himself in the Eucharist. As friends of Jesus, it is also this greatest ‘Gift’ that He has for each one of us.

On this Feast of Corpus Christi, let us remember what a precious gift Jesus gives us. He says “Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood remains in Me and I in Him… and will have life because of Me…and I will raise him up on the last day.” (John 6:54) Every chance we have, let us joyfully receive this gift; desire the opportunity to partake of this gift that we may never be without Jesus in the Eucharist. We do so with the hope that one day, we find ourselves united with Jesus in heaven.

For the full text of the homily, please click or tap on the link below:…/joyful…/

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