Rockstar Awards Year 2

It’s that time of the year again! As The New Channel celebrates #TNC3xMORE, you are all cordially invited to a TNC Town Hall Gala Night.

We will walk you through the journey and the transformation of TNC. Share the virtual stage with us as we acknowledge some of the rockstar hosts and top-performing shows who will receive special awards.

TNC Rockstar Awards Year 2 is happening live on Saturday, 3 June 2023, at 7PM PHT exclusively on The New Channel.
See you there!

Catch us LIVE thru the links below⬇️
📌 Facebook live – https://bit.ly/RockstarAwards2023OnFB
📌 LinkedIn live – https://bit.ly/RockstarAwards2023OnLI
📌 YouTube (best to watch via your smart TV) – https://bit.ly/RockstarAwards2023OnYT