Public Relations Society of the Philippines (PRSP) Podcast | BREAKING DOWN the BUZZ

Watch out for it! Releasing SOON! 🚀

The Public Relations Society of the Philippines (PRSP) remains dedicated to advancing youth and education through impactful events like the annual Students’ Congress and Students’ Grand Prix.

This year, the PRSP Education Committee introduces a groundbreaking initiative—YouthCon in a Podcast series, presented in collaboration with The Pod Network (TPN) and supported by The New Channel (TNC) dubbed as BREAKING DOWN the BUZZ! 🎙️🔥

YouthCon in an upcoming Podcast series, an industry pioneer activation, extending beyond academic campuses to engage a broader audience, including young practitioners. In partnership with TPN and backed by TNC, this series of podcasts focuses on delivering evergreen and topic-based content for students and young practitioners. It’s easily accessible on platforms favored by our target audience, ensuring continuous and experience-based learning.

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