PuzzleBox BPO Inc. at the Smart Retail Tech Expo USA 2023

More puzzle solved at the #SmartRetailTechExpo2023 Day 2

The Smart Retail Tech Expo 2023 has come and gone. The ice has been broken, and every exhibitor and guest has put their best foot forward to make the best first impression possible. The jitters of first day have now been thoroughly dispelled and on the second day, there’s a buzz in the air, as if everyone at the convention is collectively asking each other, “Is that all you’ve got?”, “What more can you offer?”.


It’s time for the main event. Everyone has worked extra hard to give their very best and make the most of this truly unique opportunity and experience.


On this Day 2, PuzzleBox BPO, Inc.’s very own (and TNC’s prime mover) Ms. Apple Manansala grasped the chance to speak on her own impact on the ‘New Retail’, presenting “Intelligent Outsourcing: Philippines Best.”


Though it’s not her first time, speaking to an international audience is always an exhilarating experience, especially abroad where you’re out of your element. But you can always count on confidence borne from experience and expertise. PuzzleBox is a 10-year-old company after all, and one can speak with conviction with that longevity, on top of her already extensive marketing experience.


“One interesting and very heart-warming thing is that when Filipinos in the area saw that there’s one Filipina who’s going to speak, they came, and they really shared their time to sit down and really listen to me. I met some who came all the way from San Diego California and LA. 


It was a good crowd, I had a very engaging and interactive class. It was really a memorable experience. I’m really just happy and proud to tell everyone that I’m a Filipina and I’m here to help them improve and grow their businesses by understanding what outsourcing can bring to their companies.”, Apple says with excitement and adrenaline from her very interactive segment on stage.


Apple saw this chance to communicate these outsourcing prospects and advantages from the Filipino perspective, not only as a business owner and experienced marketer but also as the Filipina woman leader that she is.


Though several ‘Kababayans’ were also present at the event, many of them were from the area or other parts of the US. It was wonderful to be able to give them a taste of home while also highlighting what a Philippines-based company can offer.


This significant milestone wouldn’t really be possible without the man who started it all.


Erwin Ernesto Manansala, PuzzleBox BPO, Inc.’s Founder and President, once again proved that with patience, passion, hard work and by paying good things forward, wonderful things will unfold before you and eventually, you will get where you want to be.


Spearheading the exhibition, Erwin and his wife Apple takes pride and joy as PuzzleBox BPO, Inc. stands as the only Filipino-owned company to be able to secure a space in the international convention, showcasing to everyone else at the Las Vegas Convention Center the untapped potential of outsourcing and services in the Philippines.


“I bring back all the glory to the Lord and of course, I want to thank Erwin for this experience, for always giving way and letting me do things for the both of us. We are just so happy to be representing not only the country but importantly our company, PuzzleBox, which Erwin and I have been working so hard for, in the past decade. It’s very heart-warming to meet like-minded people.”, adds Apple.


Overall, the Smart Retail Tech Expo 2023 experience for Apple, her husband Erwin, and the entire PuzzleBox BPO, Inc. team is indeed one for the books, and as the company celebrates its 10th anniversary this 2023, it’s an ideal way to kick off even more exciting days, bigger ventures, and more global opportunities for the company.


“We (PuzzleBox) are ready to do bigger things. We are really happy that after my talk, people dropped by our booth to connect with Erwin. They talked to us and they want to work with us to discover how we could enhance their businesses together. Now, this is it. We’re ready to work with more brands, more companies. 


We look forward to more fruitful connections and collaborations with other businesses, help more Filipinos and share the skills and knowledge that has been gifted to us by the Father.” Apple says.


For more information about what PuzzleBox can do for your business, please visit www.PuzzleBox-inc.com 


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