TNC at The 20th Grand Wine Experience Part 2

Pasay City, Philippines – something awesome happened on 17 November 2023, the 20th Grand Wine Experience at Marriott Hotel’s Grand Ballroom!

It’s a big deal because it’s been going on for 20 years, bringing people together to try over 1,000 different wines, spirits, sakes, and beers from all over the world. Basically, it’s a party for folks who love good drinks, traveling, and trying new and exciting things!

Imagine a room filled with all kinds of drinks from different countries, each one with a cool story to tell. It’s not just about sipping drinks; it’s like a show where the people who make the drinks share their stories.

The New Channel is all in for The Grand Wine Experience 2023, saying it’s the biggest and fanciest event like this in Southeast Asia. Experts picked out each drink to make sure there’s something amazing for everyone. The Marriott Hotel turned into a fun celebration where glasses clinked, people found tasty drinks, and everyone had a great time.

Here’s to many more years of enjoying awesome drinks and having a blast at the Grand Wine Experience! Can’t wait for next year! 🍷✨

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