Sunday Reflections By Fr. Ricky Cañet Montañez

Sunday Reflections | 30 July 2023

Sunday Reflections | 30 July 2023

By: Fr. Ricky Cañet Montañez, AA

HOMILY: Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Matthew 13:44-52

The Incomparable Treasure

It is never easy to pursue what is just and true in life. Possessing the buried treasure or the pearl of great price comes at a cost and we must be ready to pay for it. At times it will entail denying ourselves, delaying personal gratifications, and enduring some suffering. Non-believers will take us for fools for investing our whole being in something we can not see taste or touch nor determine when it will finally come into our possession. However, as people of faith we trust in the promises of Jesus. As children of God destined for the heavenly Kingdom, we have all been promised God’s assistance and sustenance in our pilgrimage through this life. We have to strive to walk in the presence of the Lord and gain wisdom of heart so that we may attain our eternal reward!

St. Paul challenges us to look beyond the trials and difficulties of this world to the destiny promised by God to all of us whom He has called. As we are often told, “this world can only be a place of temporary refuge; a world of passage and not a world of permanence.” As Christians, our eyes are on a different prize than the world’s. We can’t be reminded of that too often. May we order our priorities correctly and fix our gaze on those things that last! May the Lord Jesus gift us with the courage to resist the superficial consolations of the world as we feed our deep hunger for the eternal— for what is of the Lord’s, and fulfill what is needed to be with Him.

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