Sunday Reflections By Fr. Ricky Cañet Montañez

Sunday Reflections | 18 June 2023 By: Fr. Ricky Cañet Montañez, AA

HOMILY: Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time
Matthew 9:36-10:8)

Qualified for the Mission

Today is Father’s Day. Happy Father’s Day to all fathers. We, priests are also greeted on this day because our fatherhood is recognised through the faithful entrusted to us. Today’s greetings are often addressed to “The Best Dad in the World” or “The Perfect Father”. Is this how your children still feel about you for the other 364 days of the year? Some kids envy the dads of their classmates and friends. Some wish they had dads who spent less time at the office and had more time for them. Some wish their dads were less formal and instead hugged them and laughed with them more. Well, we can’t choose our fathers but it is by no accident that they became our dads. They are God’s gift to us. We just have to accept that dads are also imperfect people, who have shortcomings. All of us children, let us thank the Lord for our fathers. Let us forgive them for their failings and treat them with love and respect throughout their life. To all daddies, entrust your fatherhood to God that He may give you what you need to provide for your children, to love them, and to raise them right.

Finally, let us always remember that “God qualifies those whom He calls.” In the face of our own inadequacies and failures, we simply cannot rely on our own strengths. In whatever capacity we may be called, we must place our trust in God, and allow ourselves to be “qualified” by the Lord for the mission to which He has especially called us. Today, we pray especially for all fathers that God may bless them with the capacity and opportunity to love and care for their children and bring them to a closer relationship with Jesus Christ.

For the full text of the homily, please click or tap on the link below:…/qualified-for…/

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