Quezon City, Philippines – Based on the iconic 2007 motion picture by ABS-CBN Film Productions, Inc., “One More Chance, The Musical” brings the beloved love story of Popoy and Basha to the stage at the PETA-Phinma Theater in New Manila held on 29 February.
Offering audiences a more immersive experience enriched by the emotionally resonant songs of Ben&Ben. Featuring hits like “Kathang Isip”, “Araw-Araw”, and “Leaves”, the musical not only pays homage to the original film but also explores deeper themes and lessons from a contemporary perspective, nearly two decades since the movie’s release.
Playwright Michelle Ngu-Nario emphasizes the musical’s exploration of complex issues such as mental health and the intricacies of relationships, offering audiences a nuanced reflection on the choices individuals make and their impact on broader social dynamics. With a talented cast led by Sam Concepcion and CJ Navato as Popoy, and Anna Luna and Nicole Omillo as Basha, alongside other notable performers, the production promises a compelling portrayal of love, loss, and self-discovery.
Directed by Maribel Legarda, with creative contributions from a skilled team including J-mee Katanyag for assistant direction and dramaturgy, Myke Salomon for musical direction and sound design, and many others.
“One More Chance, The Musical” is presented by Philippine Educational Theater Association (PETA) in collaboration with Metrobank and Robinsons Malls. For those eager to experience this captivating adaptation firsthand, updates and information can be found on PETA’s social media channels on Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok.
šø: Mark Arcamo
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