Watch “Like Father, Like Son”, a heartwarming event featuring 8 fathers and sons. This year profiles the following Dad and Son partners:
1. Ardy & Josh Roberto
2. Herbert & Hesaya Hernandez
3. Jingo & Ryan Fermin
4. Jeorge & Mickey Wieneke
5. Leo & Jaypee Soliman
6. Mitch & Dylan Dauz
7. Orly & Orion Ballesteros
8. Erwin & Eruel Ursua
The first of its kind is going to be exclusively streamed on #TheNewChannel. WATCH IT LIVE on Saturday, 1 July 2023 from 1 to 4 PM PHT.
Join us in honoring the incredible partners of our Moms, who play a crucial role in raising the superheroes of the future at TNC. 💙
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