Global Women Who RULE (GWWR) Advocacy

GWWR 2021 Profile | Dr. Michelle Mras

“It is an honor to be part of GWWR.

The event and community that has developed among Filipina women contributing to our communities regardless of where we reside is such a powerful message of love, hope and resilience to be the best versions of ourselves unapologetically!”

Dr. Michelle Mras, PhD
Keynote Speaker, Executive Speaker Coach, Author, Singer, Podcaster & Live stream TV Host
#GWWR20221 Profile

🌟 On 25 May 2024, Saturday, from 1PM to 6PM PHT — get ready to witness 22 inspiring and empowered Filipino women from all over the world.

📌 GWWR is an advocacy of TNC The New Channel focused on social good.

GWWR aims to Reach Out, Unite for an inclusive and less judging world — Love and show how to really truly love and Encourage each other. GWWR Profiles are women who empower other women to achieve their dreams, contribute and be the best version of themselves.

🪶 For more info, visit

#GlobalWomenWhoRULE #GlobalWomenWhoRULE2024 #GWWR #GWWR2024 #DigitalForGood #FilipinoWomen #WomenLeaders #EmpowerWomen #WomenEmpowerment #EmbraceEquity #MakeChangeWorkForWomen #GirlPower #ComingThisMay #GWWRonTNC #CelebrateWomenEveryday #WomenSupportingWomen #NoWomanIsLeftBehind