CVIF-Dynamic Learning Program:
Protecting and Developing What is Good in the Filipino
Education systems globally face unprecedented challenges such as lack of qualified teachers, varying student abilities and values, academe-industry mismatch, subpar quality of learning and shortage in resources and class disruptions due to man-made conflicts or natural disasters among others.
Worse, according to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal Report 2022, “147 million children around the world are estimated to have missed more than half of their in-class instruction over the past two years due to school closures caused by the COVID-19 pandemic,” which leads this generation of children to possibly lose a combined total of 17 Trillion USD in lifetime earnings in present value.
CVIF Dynamic Learning Program
Dr. Christopher C. Bernido and Dr. Maria Victoria Carpio-Bernido, who are Filipino physicist-educators, developed a pedagogy which can be considered one of the solutions to this education crisis. It is called the CVIF Dynamic Learning Program (CVIF DLP). As a couple, they were among the recipients of Asia’s premiere prize and highest honor, the Ramon Magsaysay Awards, for their commitment to both science and nation, ensuring innovative, low-cost, and effective basic education even under conditions of poverty.
The said program, according to their lecture during the Annual Scientific Meeting of the National Academy of Science and Technology in 2020, is proven effective in calamities and lockdowns, allows students to learn with zero to minimal teacher intervention, bypasses internet connectivity problems, is individualized, validated by new results from Neuroscience, and is low cost which makes effective implementation possible in any nation.
These milestones have been present since the program was first implementated in 2002 in the couple’s school, the Central Visayan Institute Foundation, in the Municipality of Jagna, Province of Bohol, Philippines. It has since then been adopted by hundreds of schools across the country and was recently used by the Department of Education in aid of its learning modalities.
Non-Negotiables for Optimum Benefit
The optimum benefit of CVIF Dynamic Learning Program can be achieved with adherence to its four non-negotiables.
The first is Parallel Learning Classes. Pre-pandemic, one subject-matter expert teacher may handle three classes at the same time assisted by two other teachers or even non-teaching staff who will function as facilitators. At the beginning of the class, each individual will enter their assigned classrooms simultaneously, and write on the blackboard or show through other means the contents of the one-page Activity-Based Learning Activity Sheet. Students will copy everything by hand on one sheet of long bond paper. Without prior lecture, they will be tasked to study on their own and accomplish the set of exercises. For 75 percent of the time teachers are prohibited from teaching and the students from asking any question about the topic.
The second is the Activity-Based Learning Activity Sheets (LAS), which are developed by experts, typed and printed on a one-page long-sized sheet of paper, with font size 14, 1.5 spacing and 1-inch margin on all sides. Bearing only the topic essentials, it should contain the concept digest, the examples or illustrations and the questions, problems or exercises. Minding available space, one complex task is divided into five or ten simpler tasks, like tackling a staircase with low and manageable steps.
These non-negotiables along with the third and fourth which are In-House Comprehensive Portfolio and Strategic Rest develop critical thinking and problem-solving abilities.
All-Season Quality Learning
Observations and assessments showed that in the absence of lectures most of the class time, students are encouraged to be in a position to learn independently; come the 25 percent lecture time, students’ focus becomes more evident. Even if the teachers are non-experts, learning takes place because the LAS promotes maximum absorption of learning through writing, similar to the discussions of a paper published in Psychological Science by P. Mueller and D. Oppenheimer. The study stated that “those who wrote their notes by hand had a stronger conceptual understanding and were more successful in applying and integrating the material than those who took notes with their laptops.”
During the implementation of pandemic quarantine and physical distancing protocols, the two scientists shared that a Parallel Learning Homes format was used instead, where LAS were distributed and retrieved weekly via face-to-face or online means, and that the guarantee that each student is learning is in each student’s own handwriting which involves the psychomotor, visual and when read aloud, the hearing faculties of the brain.
The Bernidos noted that “common in top-performing countries in international assessments are intensive teacher intervention requiring big budget, intensive teacher training and advanced facilities.” They added that some systems encourage intensive after-school tutoring or cram school, both of which are strongly discouraged in the CVIF-DLP. “Strategic rest is a non-negotiable feature for physiological and intellectual reasons (zero homework policy pre-pandemic; nothing beyond the LAS required during pandemic conditions,” explained the couple while saying that any studies beyond the LAS are optional for the learner.
Moving Forward
The CVIF Dynamic Learning Program is confident that we can enable children across the learning spectrum to develop to their fullest potential, despite the challenges, in the least time, at the least cost, to have the majority of students having the highest levels of mastery in science, math and the humanities based on international standards.
With empirical data, any education program that provides constant progress for learners’ literacy, promotes holistic development and most importantly builds character must be nurtured, fully supported and efficiently implemented.
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