HOMILY: Sixth Sunday of Easter John 14: 15-21 The Spirit of Truth In the gospel passage from St. John this Sunday, Jesus is preparing His disciples for His imminent departure. He must leave them soon to return to the Father. This is why He gives His disciples some very important reminders prior to His departure….
Read MoreCategory: Sunday Reflections By Fr. Ricky Cañet Montañez
Sunday Reflections | 7 May 2023
HOMILY: Fifth Sunday of Easter John 14: 1-12 Following Jesus, The Way Last Sunday, we celebrated Good Shepherd Sunday and we established that we are like sheep in constant need of guidance and protection from our Good Shepherd, Jesus Christ. We are often distracted by so many things and we end up moving in the…
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Sunday Reflections | 30 April 2023
HOMILY: Fourth Sunday of Easter / Good Shepherd Sunday John 10:1-10 Recognising the Voice of the Divine Shepherd To follow our Good Shepherd, we also need to be familiar with the voice of our Divine Shepherd. Learning by heart the voice of Jesus takes time and practice. That is learned through the discipline of praying…
Read MoreSunday Reflections | 23 April 2023
HOMILY: Third Sunday of Easter Luke 24: 13-35 The MASS: An Emmaus Experience In each mass, we journey with Jesus just as the disciples journeyed with Him to Emmaus. Every mass is an opportunity for us to encounter Jesus so let us not be “foolish” and “slow to believe”. Today, I pray that God may…
Read MoreSunday Reflections | 16 April 2023
HOMILY: Second Sunday of Easter John 20:19-31 Goodness beyond Measure Today, Jesus is very much present in people who dedicate their lives to the work for peace and reconciliation and who share their time, talent and treasure with others. The risen Lord is at work whenever people feed the hungry, clothe the naked, shelter the…
Read MoreSunday Reflections | 9 April 2023
HOMILY: Easter Sunday of the Lord’s Resurrection John 20:1-9 EASTER: Our FOREVER with GOD As Christians, we need to continually grow in our belief, understanding, and appreciation of the resurrection. It is a mystery which we cannot fully understand but only accept with faith. No one really knows the details of this risen life with…
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Sunday Reflections | 2 April 2023
HOMILY: Palm Sunday of the Lord’s Passion Matthew 27:11-54 Not Alone; Not Abandoned The call for us this Holy Week and throughout all our lives — is to recognise that Jesus, in His love for us, is one with us, even in our suffering and feelings of abandonment and He shows us by example what…
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