I’ve been there, done that and it’s never enough. We keep on going, learning, yearning, yielding.
As I move up, after 37 years of working and at the same time raising my family (moms don’t stop…always on the look out even if they don’t want 😅😅), that includes 2 retirements and different business ventures and failures in between, I’m compelled to share and keep sharing.
1. Breathe self- love
The biggest achievement in life is knowing and liking yourself. Living the life with exuberance, free from offense, no hatred and regrets. You need to like it your wholeness before you even become likable. It’s never about waiting for perfect timing, position and possessions. Love yourself and everything about it.
2. Money isn’t the key
It feels good to have enough money to pay for the necessities, fund charity and a bit of luxury. Money matters but it can’t buy nor replace your peace – the source of health and happiness.
Prioritize peace and don’t let money use or break you. Use money to build a better version of you.
3. Know your worth
Know who you are in Christ. You’re not defined by the social media, your situation and accomplishments, nor by how others criticize or admire you, but by the grace of God, you’re blessed, loved and victorious. You are special.
4. Put God first
Not so hard to comprehend as long as you seek Him. He’s the source of wisdom, provision, healing and ultimate joy. All good things come from heaven and all things work together for the good of those who trust and follow God. Have Him in your heart, soul and mind 24/7.
5. Let go and let it pass
You don’t need to win every argument. Sometimes it’s better to conserve your energy by staying quiet. Especially when you know you won’t ever be heard and understood. Silence is a powerful weapon they can’t take away from you.
6. Goodbyes for good vibes
Be kind to all and don’t get tired of loving but be ready to take out and live without some toxic people as you move ahead, regardless of how far you’ve been or how close you’ve become. Some relationships simply do not last forever. Forgive, pray for them and live away from them.
7. Be You-ti full you
You don’t live to charm, impress or please others, nor explain yourself just to be IN and accepted. Be unique and authentic. Live your life the way you want to and spend no time entertaining what others might think or say against you.
8. It’s ok not to be A-ok
When you’re sad, recognize the emotions. It’s fine to be sad, you’ve the right. But it’s not fine to stay on that line. You can choose to sit back and think of happy thoughts, and excite yourself with better days to come. It’s your moment, your choice.
9. Have fun
Life’s short, so at home and work, don’t waste your time with nonsense drama, fights and fears. Get busy having fun, polishing your skills and serving others. Be the first to cheer them up and smile a lot. That’s how you’ll thrive.
10. Stand firm
You don’t need to prove yourself or be one of them. No politics. Speak the truth, follow your heart and don’t seek validation from others. Better to have unpolitical, unpopular decision but fair decisions. Dare to stand firm even if you’ve to fail. When you do, fail fast and move on.
11. Not too late to isolate
While socials are fine, it’s good to be alone at times, to put back all the pieces together.
Reach out for help and at the same time spend quiet moments to meditate.
12. Stay on track.
Your kindness is always subject to abuse, stay kind and don’t deprive others of the same kindness and care just because of others dishonesty or betrayal.
13. Not a popularity game.
It’s not about how good you look, nor your education and hefty bank account. It’s more important you live your life in accordance to God’s will and commands. Respect everyone regardless of kindness and influence, extend it even to those who don’t deserve it.
14. Take charge.
Realize that you’re the one accountable for all your health, thoughts, words and actions. That it’s a learning process and it takes constant maturing. You can’t blame anyone for what you’ve been and who you have become.
15. Live to love.
Love is the greatest healer. The more you love and ignite someone’s light, the more you bring in healthy cells and unimaginable joy to your soul.
16. Protect your atmosphere
Guard your circle, do not let anyone look down on you. Stay away from toxic people. If you feel you’re not welcome and appreciated, leave and find your place where you’ll continue to shine.
17. Count it all good.
Gratefulness is awesomeness.
Say thank you and give praise to others generously. List down all your blessings and day to day miracles, it’ll keep multiplying.
18. Nevermind the pain
The person you love most will hurt you the most. Stay in love, communicate and hold on, nothing beats humility and forgiveness. This leads to mental toughness.
19. Your character reveals
Look at yourself ang gauge. Your resilience and patience when you got nothing and your humility and generosity when you have everything.
20. Power corrupts character.
No wonder it’s hard to stay on top. Don’t be part of the statistics. You can choose to stay valuable and serve better as you grow higher.
21. Everyone’s imperfect.
You are entitled to make mistakes, learn from it. You have limited capacity but you have the ability to impact lives and change the way people think, use it on purpose.
22. Progress over excellence.
One step at a time, no comparison. Get smarter, better everyday.
23. Empower yourself.
Be your own cheerleader and take courage, confidence that you can do greater things. Even if no one believes in what you are capable of.
24. Listen to learn.
No one has the monopoly of knowledge so listen and learn from anyone you come in contact with. When you talk you only repeat what you know but when you listen, you bring in fresh insights and a wealth of knowledge.
25. Glow with the dream team.
Dream Team starts when one says no and the rest listens. You can not surround yourself with “yes ma’am” people. Otherwise, you’ll lose the momentum and soon, it’s game over. Encourage openness, assertive communication and continuous improvement.
26. Give & Give
If it’s give and take, you need to keep counting. Healthy, long lasting relationship is about unlimited giving & forgiving. You don’t count the favors you’ve extended nor the shortcomings you noted. It’s about lifting one another and giving yourself unconditionally.
27. Stay beautifully connected.
Your attitude, how you behave, deal with and respect other people will determine your altitude. Nurture relationships by empathizing and synergy.
28. Leading is caring.
You don’t need technical definitions to lead, you simply care for the organization and team’s personal and career growth. Passion triggers fulfillment of purpose.
29. Be the better one.
It’s easier to find flaws and see the mistakes of others but you can make it a habit to see the goodness in everyone and be the better version of what turns you off. You meet people to remind you not to be like them.
30. Unfair made fair.
Life’s unfair and full of struggle. Even bitter. But you can’t conclude nor judge, just trust that there’s a great, omnipresent, omnipotent fair God.
31. Talk is cheap.
Love and loyalty as seen in action, not words. Model the right way, you don’t need to tell a story, at all.
32. A dose of contentment.
You can only understand, rest, save and share if there’s contentment in your heart.
Inner peace triggers a giving and understanding heart.
33. Always ready.
No such thing as preparation. You’re given every single day to be your best so when opportunity comes, you just say yes.
34. Abundance = Integrity
Increase, wealth and financial progress don’t depend on how earnest you pray or how big tune the press releases are, but based on your character, mentality and integrity.
35. Free treats.
Toms of under utilized gifts. Best things in life are free. Smile, thanks, praise, sing, dance, kindness. Start learning to give these to as many.
37. Pick the harder.
There are 2 roads of life, the broad and the narrow which is so illogical to follow. There are 2 destinies to choose from, heaven and hell which is driven by selfishness and materialism. You curve your path every single word & act.
38. Cry your heart out.
Time will come when you will cry, but not about your problems and heaviness, but because you’ll know God has answered your prayers. You get more than what you deserve and wish for.
39. Walk out.
When you feel neglected, not welcomed, unappreciated or unwanted in a place, that means there’s no anointing. There’s a better place for you to explore so walk out and find your fit.
40. Rainfalls.
When it rains, it pours, so look back. When you’re disheartened, recall your history. Remember how God saved you in all those years, you’re blessed, guided and directed.
41. Be vigilant
Everything happens for a reason not by accident. So cherish the people your meet and nurture relationships- and still be vigilant. One is to be an Angel you you, to help you, the other one is from the enemy waiting to devour you.
42. Say at least
Sleep is luxury and you tend to complain about not getting enough sleep. Better to recognize that that’s better than not waking up. Practice “at least” and appreciate the blessings.
43. The gift
Everyone, every moment is a gift. Including your stressors and those who betrayed you. They taught you values and lessons.
44. Dare to go higher.
Dare to explore and fail than not try at all. You’ll never know until you get your feet wet. Try and fail fast if you have to. That’s your preparation for bigger breakthroughs.
45. Stop asking.
There are no answers to anything so why bother to keep on asking. Ride on and move along according to your faith and values.
46. No one’s the same.
Don’t be dismayed if you see people not as smart or as fast as you. Be glad you’re smart, offer yourself to help and complement, they have their own sets of talent.
47. Live in the spirit.
If you believe in God, the father, son and the Holy Spirit, along with the testament’s miracles, be totally dependent on the power of the Holy Spirit. Don’t detach yourself and rely on the spirit to take you where you should go.
48. You’re sealed.
Great minds are criticized by small minds. It’s ok if your bashers and detractors come crashing on you. God is your vindicator. The more they look down on you, that means you’re glorified by God. He will curse those who curse you.
49. Fight the enemy.
Depart from evil and it’ll go. Forget about unhealthy vices that won’t do you any good and will even ruin you – lust, porn, alcohol and drugs. Speak and declare victory, with prayer and best efforts, it’ll flee.
50. Don’t compare.
When you look around and compare, when you see their lives better, you will be insecure and envious.
51. Overcome emotions.
Think of the impact of your last most intense emotions and how it led to unfavorable circumstances. Breathe. Don’t talk, type or react. That too shall pass.
52. Prioritize.
Always consider and think of your first 3 and simplify the complex. God, you and your family.
53. Don’t stop.
There’s endless possibilities and limitless opportunities. It’s up to you so say yes and why not, God doesn’t reward the timid and the lazy.
54. Rest and reset.
Sit back and enjoy every moment. There’s a need to pause to recalibrate.
55. Never alone.
When you feel like you’re separated or you can’t sleep at night, that’s the time God wants to speak so listen to His voice. Silence from this world’s noise may seem lonely but it’s his time to warn and give you wisdom and signs.
56. Care not to care.
Learn to ignite irritations, annoyance and distractions brought about by other people’s accusations. As long as you’re fair and you don’t hurt or step on anyone, live in peace.
57. Choose to be light.
Your words and body language can lift, build or break. Use your words and talents to declare God’s love and to manifest His blessings.