Global Women Who RULE (GWWR) Advocacy Me and my outstanding mother (MeMOM) #TNC4EVER

TNC4Ever | Me and MOM 2024

Now on its 4th year, GWWR an advocacy project/community presents new beautiful stories that will prove that mother’s day can be celebrated in many different ways, everyday.

Watch “Me and MOM” (ME and My Outstanding Mother, year 4) as part of #TNC4ever week-long Anniversary Celebration on Saturday, 18 May 2024, 1-3PM PHT only on #TheNewChannel.

8 MOM and Daughter tandems, with beautiful stories will share how wonderful their life has been because they are blessed with an Outstanding Mother.

For more updates and announcements, visit:



Join us and let us celebrate and honor our mothers, everyday 💗💖✨

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