Marketing for Beginners Book Launch
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Marketing for Beginners Book Launch

Marketers, Salespeople, Aspiring Entrepreneurs and Start Up Business people, here is a book which will surely help you and your business/company – “Marketing for Beginners: Start Strong, Succeed Fast” by Mr. RG Gabunada, Chiqui Escareal-Go and the renowned Marketing Mentor Mr. Josiah Go.πŸ“ˆπŸ“Š

Their book is designed to empower everyone with the fundamental principles of marketing. With 8 comprehensive chapters and over 90 bite-sized topics, you’ll be equipped to master the essentials, clarify concepts, and embark on a journey to create, deliver, and capture value for your organizations. πŸ“šπŸ“‚

πŸ“†πŸ–ŠοΈMark your calendars for their book launch event on 11 October at 6PM PHT, East Wing, Shangri-La Mall, Mandaluyong. See you all tom!

πŸ“ŒPre registration would be most appreciated.


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