EVENTS TNC supports Kalye Negosyo TNC x Kalye Negosyo - Event

KalyeNegosyo 2024 (Day 3)

Many Are Called, But Few Commit To Succeed

Pasig City, Philippines – In this day and age, numerous aspire to become business owners, but the moment they fail, they quit.  They don’t realize that along the journey to success, there will be obstacles and challenges.  There is no such a thing as an overnight success.

Bringing together micro and startup entrepreneurs for another day of growth and innovation, KalyeNegosyo 2024 continue to help countless individuals transform their dreams into realities, positively impacting communities.

For day 3, Dean ‘Pax’ Lapid, an experienced business consultant, entrepreneur, and sought after speaker and mentor with an extensive background in the Information, Technology, Food Retailing, and Oil & Gas industry inspired Batch 9 of KalyeNegosyo’s mentoring program with his words of wisdom.

“Growing the venture is the most challenging part, whether in times of crisis or in good times.” These words were food for thought for the KalyeNegosyantes, as they realize that there will always be challenges. Problems will be there, no matter what stage a business is in, the important thing is to be ready with solutions. Entrepreneurs should have a high adversity quotient in order to grow. The session’s participants reflected on their journey with pride and optimism for the future.

Founded by the dynamic and advocacy-driven couple, Jorge and Jenny Wieneke, KalyeNegosyo celebrates its 11th year of empowering micro-entrepreneurs. The 14-week program offers qualified entrepreneurs the training they need to build a solid business structure and achieve legitimacy.

KalyeNegosyo continues to be a catalyst for change, fostering growth and innovation in the entrepreneurial landscape. The sessions happen every Thursday of the month in partnership with TNC, The New Channel, PLDT and Unionbank

Watch TNC’s space for more information about the KalyeNegosyo programs and advocacy projects.

📸 Deniel Soria

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