Karaoke World Championships (KWC) What's NEW onTNC EVENTS

BATAN-ONG SUGBOANON, 43rd CEBU POPULAR MUSIC FESTIVAL Finalist, Young Songwriters Category

Composer : Nicholas Ygot Yu
Lyricist : Jennifer Milloria Ygot
Arranger : Frenyx Tarongoy
Interpreter : Klarylle May Dumancas

The composer is a born Cebuano, who now resides in Canada, Nicholas Bertin Ygot Yu is the composer ot the song, “Batan-ong Sugboanon” which is under the Young Songwriters Category of the 43rd Cebu Pop Music Festival, He is 19 years old and a High School graduate . Putting words into his music is Jennifer Miloria Ygot, a 21 year old Bachelor of Arts in Communlcation/Integrated Marketing Communications and Press Relations student trom Cebu Normal University.”Batan-ong Sugboanon” is a song calling the young Cebuanos to stand -up, verbalize
and get involve in looking tor solutions to address the muitiple pressing concerns of our nation. After all Isn’t the youth the hope ot our fatherland? Providing the musical arangement is Frenyx Tarongoy.

Klarylle May B. Dumancas a 19 year old Bachelor of Performing Arts, a promising singer, a 1st year college student of the University of Cebu Main Campus is tasked to Interpret the song is also one of the Top Finalists at KWC PH Visayas leg.

Watch the winning video here –


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