Wanlu F2F At Apalit Pampanga šŸ„³ (13 November 2022)

Interview with Wanlu Lunaria

This happened last night! Woohoo! Big congratulations to Wanlu and Nicolo for a very successful face-to-face show! Your TNC family is so proud of you šŸ„³

On video are TNC KOLā€™s Julia Robillos of #InspiringMoments and Charm Oribe of #CovidStories


Photo with Wanlu Lunaria

Interview with Wanlu Lunaria

Hereā€™s a one of one with two of TNC KOLā€™s Julia Robillos of #InspiringMoments and the star of the night Wanlu of #ThePapetStories

What an amazing day to celebrate National Childrenā€™s Month. Congratulations again to the entire production of #WanluAndHisPuppets face-to-face šŸ„³
