Rite of Reception and Enthronement of the Blood Relic of Blessed Alvaro del Portillo

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The Diocese of Antipolo invites you to the Rite of Reception and Enthronement of the Blood Relic of Blessed Alvaro del Portillo on 27 August 2023 at 12:00NN PHT at the Antipolo Cathedral. It will be followed by a Eucharistic Celebration to be presided by the Most Reverend Ruperto Cruz Santos, Bishop of Antipolo, Rev. Fr. Julio Dieguez, Regional Vicar of Opus Dei in the Philippines and Indonesia, and Rev. Fr. Reynante Tolentino, Rector and Parish Priest. Joining them will be Rev. Fr. Melchor Andaya, Antipolo Parochial Vicar, Rev. Fr. Roque Reyes and Rev. Fr. Dante Estepa, Priests of Opus Dei.

Blessed Alvaro del Portillo made a pilgrimage to Antipolo on January 30, 1987 when he visited the Philippines. “When Bishop Protacio Gungon learned that the Prelate of Opus Dei was visiting the shrine, he gave instructions so that he could pray up close to the image of Our Lady. Blessed Alvaro was most grateful for this detail.”

They recited the Rosary and prayed a Responsory for the Dead for the soul of St. Josemaria Escriva. He then prayed aloud, for the small group of priests and laymen accompanying him to hear:

“After seeing these roses offered to Our Lady, I thought about the union of hearts of all the members of the Work- your sisters and you all together united to our Lord through our Lady…..

Despite our miseries and weaknesses and our ingratitude, we want to be faithful. To achieve this, we go to the protection of the Most Holy Virgin. She will help us.”

And Msgr. Javier Echevarria, successor of Blessed Alvaro as Prelate of Opus Dei added:

“I can assure you- because I was an eyewitness- that the example of this good and faithful servant, in love with Jesus Christ and his Mother, encouraged others to turn with great confidence to the Blessed Virgin.”

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